What i like about this class is that we spend time learning how to do different thing like how to make a page and what comes inside a html website. Things like that is what we learn in this class and i enjoy learning new things about computers knowing that in the future they will be more advanced.
The only thing i don't like about this class is that everyday you need to be on your life planning goals journal, don't get me wrong the journal is a very good idea in wanting to achieve your goals but sometimes you might not have the time to actually write on it or read it because you might be doing something for other classes or you just might be busy.
Some improvements that this class needs is learning more about computer parts and how they work is the only thing this class needs to improve.
A highlight in this class for me was learning the html website and the things that you have to do in order to make one. I really like that because you can get a job by just learning the code and how it works so it's cool that we can use this for the future.
Yes i did do my best in this class i came everyday ready to learn new things and try them out by my self. I did the best i could to get a good grade in this class maybe in my other classes i might not be doing good but in this class yes because i really like it.
Like i said in the thing i don't like about this class is every day spending time in my goals journal. sometimes i don't have the time to go on it. I love the idea of the life planning goals journal and i do sometimes have the time to read my goals and write some more down.
Yes i want to be a ctr person 24/7 like this quotes that on the board " You can't do wrong and feel right, it's impossible.'' - Ezra Taft Benson i never want to feel like i did something wrong i will always try to be my best to do the right thing at all times.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
The 10 Keys to Personal Power
The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you don't have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for people who do."
Quote: "For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity." Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Reflection: Have a clear vision of what you want in life because with out it you wouldn't know what to do. that is why you have too have clarity. this will help you have a great life and have a great personality. This is a very good way to be a better person in life.
Key 2: Competence
" If you commit to excellence , opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
Quote: "The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare." Daniel Patrick Moyniha
Reflection:If you commit too doing something you would enjoy what you are doing and love the work. you must enjoy what you love doing if u commit too what you're doing for example you're homework or you're classwork or job these a some of the things you have to put in work to have commitment in them they are very important
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything"
Quote:You can't keep your mind on fighting when you're thinking about a woman. You can't keep your concentration. You feel like sleeping all the time. Muhammad Ali
Reflection: In order for someone too concentrate you must stay focused and make good use of you're time wisely. this will help you in life. because you wont be able to get anything done if you don't make good use of your time remember too stay focused and keep away from any distractions.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- think things through
- listen to your intuition
- learn from setbacks
Quote: If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail. Henry A. Wallace
Reflection: Think before you do is another way do have common sense. this will help you later on in life because with out common sense people wouldn't know what to do and how to do something. to this day not that many people have common sense and that a very bad thing. cause we need common sense in this world. Common sense is very important too have and too use that way you have too know how to use it.

Key 5: Creativity
"except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are the most creative and ask the most questions."
Quote:Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks. Yo-Yo Ma
Reflection: Creativity is very important cause with out creativity we would have the inventions that we had this day if people weren't creative. it's a very good thing too have creativity it also helps the mind. that is why be creative and don't do what other people are doing follow you're own path . people use you're creativity to great something very creative.
Key 6:Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
'If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."
Quote:In comparing therefore the value of the same commodity, at different periods of time, the consideration of the comparative skill and intensity of labor, required for that particular commodity, needs scarcely to be attended to, as it operates equally at both periods. David Ricardo
Reflection: Take many things into consideration taking things in to consideration is a very good thing. this will later on help you in life by helping you in school or work. this is also probably gonna make you're life better and help many different ways. that is why you should take thing in too consideration.

Key 7 Consistency
'' Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationship. your family,friends,your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend on. That if you say you'll do something you do it."
Quote:My dad was never married. He was kind of a rolling stone. But he was never disrespectful. At the same time, even though he had women in his life when I was a kid, there wasn't any consistency. Kevin Hart
Reflection: consistency is very important in life this will help you later on in life. this is very important cause you have to have consistency in your life. This will also help you deal with people.
Reflection: consistency is very important in life this will help you later on in life. this is very important cause you have to have consistency in your life. This will also help you deal with people.

Key 8 Commitment
" No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
" Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed"
Quote:We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense. Barack Obama
Reflection: Being committed too something is very important the reason being is you show your loyalty to the people around u. and this will help you reach the goal that you want too reach. if you stay committed too that goal you would soon reach it. cause achieving goals is a very important thing and very interesting thing too do. goal setting is goal getting.

Key 9 : courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason of failure in life."
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life"
Quote:Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Steve Jobs
Reflection: This is very important is too have courage cause it means that you're brave. and aren't afraid of anything. this is a very good thing too have in life this is a very important thing too have. also will help u in life.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again.
Quote:Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen KellerReflection:Confidence. It’s something we all have, but with various levels. It’s what makes the difference between closing a deal and waiting for a call back. It’s what makes the difference between achieving your dream and living a static life. Confidence is key – we’ve all heard it. When you’re confident, you feel good. You think big, you’re positive, and you emit envious vibes. People want to know more about you, how you became that way. They become intrigued.
This is the end of the 10 keys of personal power, we have gone trough the 10 keys got quotes for them and made summary's for each of the 10 keys. told you the different types of ways that this can and will help you later on in you're life which would help you prepare for the future and your life.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. it says, " I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude, I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am the driver's seat of my own destiny, not just a passenger."
Quote:A leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, a CEO or a managing director. It's one where everyone is entrepreneurial and proactive.
Robin S. Sharma
Reflection:what this quote is saying is that be proactive is good because if you want to be proactive you have to be a calm person and be in control of you're life and let someone else be in control of it. like the first quote said you have to be the front seat driver and not a passenger. this is what this quote is trying to say about being a proactive person.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
Quote:Begin with the end in mind.
Stephen Covey
Reflection:you have to take control of you're own destiny you cant have somebody take control of it for you. This is your life you're in charge not somebody else that is going to be commanding you to do. you have to be able to make you're own decisions because if you don't take control of it someone else will. and just letting you know you're probably not going to like how they are controlling you're life they might even destroy you're life make you do thing that you don't want to do that is why i suggest that you take action of you life. you're the one in charge not somebody else you. you're life you're decisions.
Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities"
Quote:When you write what you know, you stay in control. One of the first things I encourage my writing students to do is to lose control - say what they want to say, break structure.
Natalie Goldberg
Reflection: This quote is saying that you take control do what you want to do because it wouldn't be good for you because you have to be in control of you're life and not let someone else be in control. then you wouldn't be able to do the things that you want to do and want to say.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
" Think win-win or no deal."
Quote:Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That's why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there's a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.
John Corbett
Reflection:in a win-win situation everybody is a winner that's the reason why they call it a win-win situation everybody wins and the isn't any losers. that is why i like win-win situations because everybody wins something and nobody loses.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be UnderstoodQuote:Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That's why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there's a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.
John Corbett
Reflection:in a win-win situation everybody is a winner that's the reason why they call it a win-win situation everybody wins and the isn't any losers. that is why i like win-win situations because everybody wins something and nobody loses.
"Diagnose before you prescribe"
"Effective listeners remember that "words have no meaning - people have meaning." The assignment of meaning to a term is an internal process; meaning comes from inside us. And although our experiences, knowledge and attitudes differ, we often misinterpret each other’s messages while under the illusion that a common understanding has been achieved."
— Larry Barker
Reflection: This quotes is trying to say that in order to be understood you must understand people first because if you want them to understand you, you have understand them because if you don't give them the respect that they deserve you will not receive the respect that you need be respectful too people because if you're not respectful too them you wont get the respect from them like the saying goes treat other the way you want to be treated. this all has its own cycle too that hat is why this is very important this would help you much better in life and be a better listener
Reflection: This quotes is trying to say that in order to be understood you must understand people first because if you want them to understand you, you have understand them because if you don't give them the respect that they deserve you will not receive the respect that you need be respectful too people because if you're not respectful too them you wont get the respect from them like the saying goes treat other the way you want to be treated. this all has its own cycle too that hat is why this is very important this would help you much better in life and be a better listener
Habit 6: Synergize
"the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts(1+1=3)"
Quote:I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great.
Russell Wilson
Reflection: Russel Wilson is saying that that being filled with positive energy is a very good thing the reason being why I believe this is because no body like somebody who is filled with negative energy they aren't really fun to be around cause they will try too bring you down with them and stoop too there level but if you keep on having a positive attitude and go down to there level
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
The four dimensions of self-renewal: Physical, Mental,Spiritual,Social/Emotional.
Quote:"Unless we can join forces and recognize each other’s humanity, how can we do business together, let alone make progress?"
Daniel Lubetzky
Reflection: Say if you're cutting wood or building something with a friend. the both of you are doing you're own thing you guys wouldn't be able to get the work done with out doing it together. if you guys do work together you would be able to get the job done faster and have a better chance of it turning out the way you want it too come out. you guys would be able to make very great progress and get the job done the is no I in team with a team its better cause you cant just expect to do something by yourself you wouldn't be able to have it done on time. why do u think in sports there are many people and all those people make a team not just one person many more.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Loma Linda, CA
Admissions Requirements: Baccalaureate degree from accredited institution. Required courses like General Biology, or Zoology, Organic Chemistry, General Physics and Biochemistry. All applicants must complete the Medical College Admissions Test(MCAT). Have healthcare experience.
Tuition: $50,220
Degrees Offered: Phd, Masters
Areas of Study and Specialization: Basic Sciences, Pathology and Human Anatomy, Earth and Biological Sciences.

Reflection: I would like to attend here, it seems like a really good university even though the tuition is really high.
Admissions Requirements: Baccalaureate degree from accredited institution. Required courses like General Biology, or Zoology, Organic Chemistry, General Physics and Biochemistry. All applicants must complete the Medical College Admissions Test(MCAT). Have healthcare experience.
Tuition: $50,220
Degrees Offered: Phd, Masters
Areas of Study and Specialization: Basic Sciences, Pathology and Human Anatomy, Earth and Biological Sciences.
Reflection: I would like to attend here, it seems like a really good university even though the tuition is really high.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Valencia vs Fc Barcelona
This weekend Valencia played the best team in the world Fc Barcelona. It was a very intense game i didn't think barca was going to let two goals in but just like every other week ter Stegen lets a goal in but his week is was two. Barca were playing really good just that the ref wasn't marking somethings and they weren't finishing easy goals. Sadly Iniesta got injured pretty bad now Barca have i think 5 people injured and Iniesta is a big lost to the line up. I was happy that Barca got the win especially in the last minute in a penalty which Lionel Messi scored. Messi is on fire ever scince he came back from his injuring with 6 goals in 3 games, Suarez and Neymar are also doing amazing so i hope they stay like this when the Clasico hits so Barca can win. Barca are in 3rd place in the table hopefully madrid and Sevilla loose next week so barca can be on top.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
How to remember names
1. You meet and repeat/ when you get someone’s name, don’t just nod and continue the conversation, try to plug the name into what you’re saying
2. Concentrate/ If you are distracted or if you aren’t paying attention, you won’t register the person’s name so you can’t possibly remember it
3 Turn someones name into an image that you can remember.
2. Concentrate/ If you are distracted or if you aren’t paying attention, you won’t register the person’s name so you can’t possibly remember it
3 Turn someones name into an image that you can remember.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
1) "Do this and you will become anywhere."
2) "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
3) "Ask questions to other people, questions they would enjoy answering."
Quote:"I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in."
Bill Gates
Reflection:you would make many friends if you're kind and nice too people. you will double the amount of friends that you have just be a nice caring person because you will feel better. Also knowing that everybody else likes you and wants to be you friend. And will always want to be around you.
Rule 2: Smile
1) "Actions speak louder than words, and smile says, " I like you. you make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "you don"t feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile."
3) "It creates happiness int eh home, fosters good will in the business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."
Quote:I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.
Leonardo da Vinci
Reflection: what this quote is trying to say is smile no matter what because smiling is a good thing. you will be much more of a like able person. people would want to be your friend because they will find you friendly and a very, very like able person. so you should smile and live a happy life because all life is precious
Rule 3: Remember Names
1) "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2) "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."
Quote:Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
John F. Kennedy
Reflection: This quote is trying to say to be kind to you're enemy's and too forgive them but to remember their names because its very important to remember. Also if that if you remember someone name because it will make them remember you're name. They will want to be come friends with you because you know them and your kind to them. They will and would want to be your friend because having friends is the best thing you can ever have and they are very fun and funny people to have around you.
How to remember names?
You can remember many names when you use the right memory technique. Remembering people's names needs a slightly different approach from all the others explained so far in this section. The techniques used, though, are quite simple. Remember the way that they look in order to remember their names. look for special features about them that will help you remember who they are and what their name is. This will help you remember someones name and so you don't forget their name because its very important.
How to remember names?
You can remember many names when you use the right memory technique. Remembering people's names needs a slightly different approach from all the others explained so far in this section. The techniques used, though, are quite simple. Remember the way that they look in order to remember their names. look for special features about them that will help you remember who they are and what their name is. This will help you remember someones name and so you don't forget their name because its very important.
Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
"If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems."
Quote:I would just like a woman someday, somewhere, at some point in my life to say to me, 'You're a great listener.' Haven't heard it yet, and that's a superior compliment to get from a woman. But I'm going to work on it.
"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems."
Quote:I would just like a woman someday, somewhere, at some point in my life to say to me, 'You're a great listener.' Haven't heard it yet, and that's a superior compliment to get from a woman. But I'm going to work on it.
Ashton Kutcher
Reflection: Be interested in what they have to say be a kind person listen to what wrong with them. hear there problems because you want to hear how there day is and how they are felling and how've they been,
Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other's man interest
"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most"
Quote:The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later
Reflection:you have to be interested in what they have to say be a good listener always hear what they have too say before u say what you want to say focus on them and be a good person. Also be a good listener.
Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
"the desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic"
Quote: Whenever you go out-of-doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then, as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire.
Dale Carnegie
Reflection: make them feel important hear what they have to say listen to them because if you make them feel important they would make you feel important. this allows people to get too you and you get to them and show them you're personality.
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